Coupon for a dollar off!

Since you guys have been such loyal followers of my blog I am giving a dollar off code out for my book. Just punch in this code on amazon and it will take a dollar off. Code is 6T6DQWJN Click the photo or this link to buy it Now and use the code.

End Times Survival Manual

Here is Some of the Big News!

I have finally got my first book out. So please check it out and tell me what you think!

When a huge part of the people in the world go missing. You hear a lot of crazy theories, But you have the chance to know what to do before the time comes. End time Survival manual reveals how we are in the last days and don’t have much longer before Jesus Christ takes his bride. Which means God’s grace will no longer get you into heaven. So what do you do? When your baby is starving and all you have to do is take a mark?




Available on  amazon and kindle.

A Tornado hit New York City Saturday

Image from Twitter/@JDHARTIL‎(Sept 8, 2012) A Tornado has hit New York City Saturday causing some damages, the National Weather Service says. The powerful twister, which originated at sea, disrupted power lines and uprooted several trees in a beachfront area of New York.Videos made by eyewitnesses showed a swirling air column moving towards the shore. Despite fears, the twister did not cause serious damage. Firefighters say the affected area appears to be small and no injuries have been reported so far.However, officials warned of more storms and possible tornadoes in other parts of the northeastern U.S. including New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.Tornadoes are very rare for this region. The destructive weather phenomenon is typical for Midwestern states.

Image from Twitter/@Zack12Rose

Image from Twitter/@cthoxie